Monday, July 13, 2009

ZOOtastic day - Loving Boston, French Style

Before we went to the Franklin Zoo to check out the French Long Haired Donkeys we stopped by City Feed and Supply on Centre Street for some provisions...check out that cheese case!

I highly recommend taking the day off and visiting the Zoo tomorrow for free! Even if you dont have kids...we deff dont (right Alexis?!) and had an amazing time. The Prairie dogs are sssooo cute.

"Celebrate Bastille Day on July 14 at Franklin Park Zoo

To honor the Zoo’s new French residents Franklin Park Zoo will offer free admission to anyone who presents an item featuring the French flag and says “Vive La France!” at the Zoo admission booth on Bastille Day, Tuesday, July 14. Be sure to say “hello” to Samuel and Balthazar, two rare Poitou donkeys who are now making their home in the Children’s Zoo!"

I love these guys, I forget what they are called. I would show a pic of the lion but his fuzzy stuff was on display and ugh..trying to keep it classy ;)

The long haired French donkeys were AMAZING! they are uber huge and beautiful

i love chickens, even when they are not fried...

after the zoo we went to Upstairs On The Square, their new outdoor patio furniture is colorful and lovely

Christine says, "amuse bouche: a buttery corn cake topped with buttery lobster and spicy pepper oil. effing sexy."

People rocking out in celebration of Bastille Day in Harvard Square...and yes, I made it home in time to catch True Blood at 11:30!

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