Sunday, May 30, 2010

lux online shopping gems

Tivoli, Mithelle Gold and Bob Williams, and beautiful outdoor rugs by The Rug Market on
Rue La La, here is your invite!

bedding by Erreblcasa Italian Linens, throws by Jeannette Farrier and cool chairs by Moss at Gilt, here is your invite!

and dont forget One Kings Lane! For Memorial Day they are having a bigass sale. Thats a vintage sign in their Suzan Fellman sale - OKL doesnt give me a direct invite option, so just email me! I'm off to the beach. I got a new bikini top and i just gained like 50 pounds, excellent! Sorry that I havent done my CL thing...i'm just awfully tired...maybe after the beach today i will be better charged, ready to do it and do it well!

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