Monday, May 15, 2017

Orbitz Studio Gemz!

Orbitz Studio is one of the places that I hope to visit soon. Located in Bridgeport, CT it's not too far from Boston and has a ton of gems! Orbitz Studio is currently having a special pop up shop during the weekends and special scheduled viewings during the week.

Check out their amazing inventory on their web page and if you visit or order anything online mention Crocodile Tears for 10% off. From the pics and my talks with their founder, Kwesi, it appears that the store has more items in stock at various price points. They also seem like some awesome folks who can talk design with passion! 
*fyi, this is not a sponsored post, I just like OS a lot!

So much beauty! 

Beautiful backs 

I sort of love this wall hanging, check out the artwork on the walls 

Love this simple design and the legs! I love hiding boxes under my dresser, this design is perfect for that 


This is pretty awesome. I had a white record player growing up with a built in tape deck, I was really hesitant to buy CDs when they first came out. My dad insisted I get a Disc man. I eventually came to love to CDs...but, I still have records and need a new record player. If you have the space, this is a true beauty. 

If you need some badass speakers, these are it! They are in excellent condition too. 

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